Tuesday 23 March 2010

Wildlife Videos to Share

Some very cool and interesting wildlife footage to see, as tweeted by @BillNigh:

Nesting farm owl, streaming:

Seahorse dad giving birth to 100's: (yes, seahorse dads carry the babies!)

I may need to start looking for more wildlife streaming again. We've followed eagles and orcas in the past and enjoyed both immensely! It's a nice change from the wildlife documentaries that emphasise only feeding and mating; when you watch streaming video of an animal you get to see all the behaviour, whether or not the sponsors feel it will sell cars or beer or whatever.

If you like the barn owl, why not try dissecting barn owl pellets? You can order pellets from a science supplier online and download a free bone chart as well from here: http://www.kidwings.com/teacher/owlpellets/index.htm We have done this and it is incredibly interesting and not messy or unpleasant like you might fear. It kept all the kids at our party enthralled for over an hour, then after the food they hurried back for more. We were able to put together several complete vole skeletons. There is really just bones and fur in the pellet, and the suppliers heat-sterilize them. You can also collect them yourself and do it, just be sure to wash up well afterward!

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