Monday 7 June 2010

Little Things

So often in our busy lives we overlook the little things in life. There is nothing like the joy of a child to bring it all back into perspective.
A couple of years ago we armed our kids with inexpensive digital cameras and let them show us the world from their perspective. I never cease to be amazed by what my children can teach me!

From the activities of a colony of ants, the leg movements of a caterpillar, the striped pattern on a dragonfly's abdomen, to the fine weave of a spider's web, the kids have reminded me to look to the small things. And not just in nature either--but also in our relationships with each other. How just sitting and being can be much more meaningful than rushing to a multitude of planned trips, outings and even planned activities at home. How just goofing around and relaxing together, being there, truly in the moment without distractions is what true "quality time" is really all about.

Bees come to mind. Once taken for granted, their sudden decline has reminded us of the crucial role they play in our own well-being. We rely on them to pollinate many food crops for ourselves as well as for livestock. A tiny, inconsequential bee has the power to help feed us.
Likewise, small things can be devastating, such as the bubonic plague that wiped out a quarter of the European population in one fell swoop.

In many ways, we would be wise to remember the small things. From viruses, to seeds, to a smile from a loved one, the small things often carry the most power and potential.

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